Sandy Beky

An international footprint and a multipath trajectory
Of multicultural origin, Sandy Beky grew up in Madagascar, lived in Belgium, Italy, the United Kingdom and has divided her time between Paris and California during12 years. She spent 18 years leading complex transformation programs, from marketing and sustainability to services and diversity, for three leaders in their industry: Disney, Bristol Myers Squibb and Cisco.

An Executive MBA graduate of HEC Business School, Sandy is a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Enneagram. She holds certifications in Circular Economy, Leadership Development Framework and ISO26000, the international standard governing corporate social responsibility.

Giving rise to a new leadership 
From her corporate experience, working with multicultural, transversal and virtual teams, Sandy strongly believes people remain at the heart of systems, change and transitions, regardless of the evolution of technology and the sophistication of tools and processes. 

This profound conviction led Sandy to create KyoSei Solutions Lab in 2014 to support and promote the emergence of new leadership governance. "KyoSei" is the linking of two Japanese words: Kyo "working together" and Sei "life". Together, these two words describe a willingness of each individual to harness collective power, stay true to their values and achieve a better life for all.

"In corporations, leadership is the lever to fuel such willingness and the power of collective action."


Contributing a more inclusive society 
For more than 10 years Sandy has also worked on programs promoting professional complementarity between women and men. Since 2005 she has been actively involved in the Professional Women's Network in Paris holding the role of President and then sponsor of the mentoring program. She is also a member of the French delegation at the Global Summit of Women.

Sharing ideas
Profoundly convinced that human bonding is key in adopting new behaviors, creating value, and learning,she has co-authored several collective works on: 
Social networks (612 Meetings on Social Networks), Women’s networks (Networking: the New Ariadne's Thread), Mentoring (Mentoring: A Powerful Tool for Women), Corporate relationships (Dare to be Friendly at Work), Climate change (Women, Health and Climate) and Circular economy applied to human resources management (Cultural and Social Trends of Value).

Looking beyond 
Currently, Sandy is also focusing her research on Estonia, the crucible par excellence of collective intelligence where all citzens feel accountable for the success of the civic tech they’ve been building since 1991.





Sandy Beky
+33 6 22 44 52 91
